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Thompson, Claire. 2012. "Local haterade: Authors say locavores do more harm than good." Grist (July 2).

Chai, Carmen. 2012. "Q&A: The 10,000-mile diet." Global News (June 26).

White, Nancy J. 2012. "Locavore's Dilemma: Book promotes not the 100-mile diet but the 10,000-mile diet." TheStar.com (June 6).

Conversations from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. 2011. With Pierre Desrochers (142).

Columns, Op-eds & Blogs

"Regenerative Agriculture and the Denial of Comparative Advantage: Part 3 - Agricultural Productivity and Standards of Living." Econlog (January 23, 2022).

Kline, Jesse. 2021. "The Capitalist Manifesto: The miracles that allowed us to feed the world (and those who would have us return to a time of famine)." National Post (December 23).

Lonergan, Patricia. 2019. "UTM Professor Challenges Benefits of 100-mile diet." UTM News (December 5).
Couturier, Brice. "La notion d'empreinte écologique contestée." France Culture (October 17, 2019).

Couturier, Brice. "Qu'est-ce que la collapsologie? (3/3) L'effondrement écologique : mythe ou réalité?" France Culture (October 16, 2019). 

Couturier, Brice. "Qu'est-ce que la collapsologie? (2/3) Prise de conscience récente, ou regain du bon vieux malthusianisme?" France Culture (October 15, 2019). 

It’s Not the End of Agriculture as We Know It.” American Institute for Economic Research (articles) (August 13, 2019).

Roy, Mathilde. 2018. "Les fausses bonnes idées - Les frontières de l'achat local." Protégez-vous (octobre), p. 13.

Kelly-Gagnon, Michel. 2017. "Petit cours d'économie 101 pour comprendre les avantages du libre-échange." Huffington Post (Québec) (October 6).

Shi, Audrey. 2015. "Orange Juice in December." Harvard Political Review (October 23).

Herman, Valli. 2015. "The Farm-to-table Backlash is Here." Fortune (September 28).

LeVaux, Ari. 2015. "The Local Food Movement Has Tripled in 20 Years, and Now Critics Are Taking Cheap Shots." AlterNet (August 7).

Grimmer, Dawn. 2015. "Rockwood Authors Present Controversial Alternative to Eating Local." New Tanner (August 6), p. 9.

Dancs, Anita and Helen Scharber. 2015. "Local Food and the CASTE Paradigm." Triple Crisis (June 16).

Logan, Nick. 2015. "Is There an Argument against 'Buy Local'? You bet." Global News (June 9).

Benson, Norm. 2014. "Let's Get Vertical." Science 2.0 (September 14).

Boudreaux, Don J. 2014. "Sustainable and Superficial." Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (August 26).

Zacka, Michael. "Local Foods: From Fad To Force And What It Means For The Food Industry." Huffington Post (June 17, 2014). 

Lafleur, Steve. "Selfish Reasons to (Sometimes) Buy Local." Frontier Center for Public Policy Commentary (May 1, 2014). 

Daniel. "A Paradox for Locavores." Casual Kitchen (April 22,

Daniel. "But What If Your Farmer Doesn't Want To Know YOU?" Casual Kitchen (April 1, 2014).

Cheung, Julie. 2014. "To Shop Locally or Globally?" The Light (April).

Brown, Madeleine. 2014. "Casting the Net Wider." The Medium (January 20, 2014).

Kheiriddin, Tasha. 2014. "Eat organic if you like - but not on my dime." National Post (January 9, 2014).

Staff. "The limits of locavorism." The Week (December 14, 2013).

Henderson, Victoria L. 2013. "Celebrity Scientist Thinks Canadians Should Sustain Poverty, Cuban-Style. The Trial of David Suzuki and Those Rich Enough to Play Being Poor." PanAm Post (November 4).

Lorinc, John. "A Look Inside the Ontario Food Terminal." Best Health (Canada), (September 2013).

Mason, Chuck. "Locally Grown Food Movement Criticized by Lecturer in BB&T Series." The Daily News (Bowling Green, KY), (September 12, 2013).

Cayo, Don. "Trade, not Local Gardens, will Ensure Food Security. Growing everything locally will require using marginal farmlands and put the entire food chain at risk of a weather disaster." Vancouver Sun (August 7, 2013).

Abad-Santos, Alexander. "How Locavores Are Killing Manhattan's Food Scene and Stealing Its Chefs." The Atlantic Wire (July 9, 2013).

Alsobrook, Isabella. "The Locavore: Lessons Learned from a Month of 100-Mile Eating." Los Angeles Times (June 29, 2013).

Lovitt, Matthew. "The True Cost of Eating Locally." Vibrant Wellness Journal (June 12, 2013).

Moyes, Mark. "What is the Point of Local Food?" The Loop.ca (May 30, 2013).

English translation of a series of articles in Swedish (March 26 to July 20 2013).

Hummelgren, Maria Björk "Frihandel är svaret på Centerns dilemma." Östgöta Correspondenten (July 20, 2013).
Rebas, Karin, "God mat och gott samvete." Kristianstadsbladet (June 28, 2013).
Braw, Daniel. "Långväga argument mot närproducerat." Oskarshamns Tidningen (June 27, 2013).
Kriss, Lars. "Enklare handla lokalt." Norran (June 26, 2013).
Hultgren, Erik. "Midsommarmatens dilemma." Blekinge Läns Tidning (June 21, 2013).
Källander, Linus. "Global dilemman." Katrineholms-Kuriren (June 10, 2013).
Strömer, Patrik. "Om mat och människor." Neo (2) (March 26, 2013).

Christians, Lindsay. 2013. "From farmers' markets to 'Portlandia': An eating local reporter's notebook." The Capital Times (May 2).

Christians, Lindsay. 2013. "Challenging the locavore credo." The Capital Times (April 30).

Paterson, Victoria. 2013 "Professor Decries Local-food Movement and Praises the '10,000-mile Diet'." AgCanada.com, March 16.

Hauch, Valerie. 2013. "Cash-strapped Karma food co-op in the Annex may close." Toronto Star (March 11).

Nix, Naomi. 2013. "Local food movement growing ranks of younger farmers." Chicago Tribune (February 26).

"Quinoa boom offers hard lesson in food economics." CBC.ca News (January 18, 2013).

Harrington, John. 2012. "Stocking Stuffers for Readers." The Progressive Farmer (December 12).

Quesnel, Joseph. 2012. "Local food adherents twist XL Foods recall to push their agenda." Troy Media (November 21).

Sangha, Jai. 2012."Criticizing the local food movement." The Medium (November 11).

Rickert, Chris. 2012. "Despite drawbacks, locavorism a worthy effort." Wisconsin State Journal (October 28, 2012).

"Lokale fødevarer – ikke kun godt." Stenaldermad (October 22, 2012).

Palmer, Roxanne. 2012. "'Vertical Farming' Can Satisfy Urban Appetites For Hyperlocal Food." International Business Times (October 16).

Osborn, Bryant. 2012. "The omnivore's and locavore's dilemmas." Star-Exponent (October 5).

Bula, France. 2012. "The Future of Vancouver's Farmland." Vancouver Magazine (October 1st).

Gerlsbeck, Rob. 2012. "The Great Defender. Pierre Desrochers thinks local food is no substitute for industrialized food. Not that anyone's listening." Canadian Grocer 126 (7) (September), p. 7.

"Locavores or Loco-vores?" National Center for Policy Analysis (September 27, 2012).

"Taralli pugliesi a Milano, addio. Arrivano i "locavori"." Virgilio GO GREEN (September 18, 2012).

"L’achat local mise en cause." La Vie agricole (September 16, 2012).

Lowe, Rick. 2012. "Gray smoke?" WeblogBahamas.com (September 15).

"Editorial: Book makes case for rational locavores." CapitalPress.com (September 13, 2012).

Thalhofer, Kelsey. 2012. "Locavore debate simmers." CapitalPress.com (September 13).

Sigan, Stevie. 2012. "From Farm to Plate - Scaling Up the Local Food Economy." PeoriaMagazines.com (September).

Forsyth, Ralph. 2012. "Choosing local food over imports may not be as wise as you think." Pique Newsmagazine (September 06).

Corcoran, Terence. 2012. "Invasion Of The Locavestors." National Post (September 4).

Doering, Detmar. 2012. "Nachhaltige Locavoren?" Das Liberale Institut (August 27).

Lakritz, Naomi. 2012. "Grandma would have been thrilled to buy packaged food." Calgary Herald (August 23).

Horwitz, Steven. 2012. "Droughts, Famines, and Markets - Why crop failures need not starve anyone." The Freeman - Ideas On Liberty (August 23). (French translation: «Les sécheresses, les famines et les marchés».)

Ladner, Peter. 2012. "Dishing up food-miles debate in the Locavore's Dilemma." Business in Vancouver (August 21).

Schumilas, Theresa. 2012. "Local is Where. Organic is How. Fair is Who." Food System Roundtable (August 19).

"The Locavore’s Dilemma." Sawkill Lumber Co. (August 16, 2012).

Dimmick, Bill. "No Dilemma Here." The Milk Producer (August 2012), p. 4.

Shane, Simon M. 2012. "Farmers Markets Gain Popularity." Egg-Cite.com (August 15).

"The Myth of the Green Locavore." Center for Consumer Freedom (August 9).

Koch, Wendy. 2012. "Local food is trendy, but is it really more eco-friendly?" USA Today (August 9).

H., Ken. 2012. "Is the 'Local Food' Movement Miss-Guided?" bmwsporttouring.com (August 7).

Minguez, Charles. 2012. "Local Food vs. Non Local Food: Which is Better?" Local Food Bucks County (July 30).

Gerber, John. 2012. "Systems Thinking Tools: fixes that fail!" Reflections on sustainable food and farming... and life (July 30).

Dr. Newman, Lenore. 2012. "Economics and the Locavore's Dilemma: Comparative advantage, relative advantage and local food." Sand and Feathers (July 28).

Boudreaux, Don. 2012. "Quotation of the Day..." Cafe Hayek (July 27).

King, Ross. 2012. "Recent critiques of locavorism well deserved." Gulf Islands Driftwood (July 25).

Segal Block, Marta. 2012. "Is Being a Locavore Sustainable?" BestThinking (July 17).

"Do Locavores really have a dilemma?" Local Food Plus (July 17, 2012.

Dr. Newman, Lenore. 2012. "Locavores need the valley." Chilliwack Times (July 17).

Fior, Paolo. 2012. "Local food: due dinosauri a Toronto." Cronache (July 14).

Cogitans Iuvenis. 2012. "Capitalism Ended Famine." Historia futura praedicit. History predicts the future. (July 13).

Port, Rob. 2012. "Local Food Activism Is Bogus." Say Anything (July 13).

Small, Allen. 2012. "The 100-mile-diet? - The Locavore's Dilemma." The Bright Libertarian (July 12).

Matthews, Alan. 2012. "Eurobarometer food security survey." CAP Reform (July 11).

Warzecha, Monika. 2012. "Go ahead and eat that banana: a local academic (and Margaret Wente) argues local food’s benefits are bunk." Toronto Life (July 11).

Loberg, Megan. 2012. "What are Food Miles?" EatPrayFarm.com (July 10).

Howard, Brian. 2012. "Are discount grocery stores bad for Philly?" The Philly Post (July 10).

h16. 2012. "Ces bobos qui réclament la liberté de non réflexion." Contrepoints (July 10).

McMahon, Tamsin. 2012. "Is local food bad for the economy?" Macleans (July 9).

Ackermann, John, & Dean Recksiedler. 2012. "Why the 100 Mile Diet could create a 100 Mile Mess." News1130 (July 9).

O'Donnell, Patrick S. 2012. "Global and Environmentally Sensitive "Food Justice"." ReligiousLeftLaw.com (July 7).

Quiggin, John. 2012. "Tribalism and locavorism." JohnQuiggin.com (July 9).

Sullivan, Andrew. 2012. "Local Food Is A Threat?" The Daily Beast (July 9).

Urban C. Lehner. 2012. "The Daily Beast Takes a Beastly View of Local Food." DTN/The Progressive Farmer (July 6).

Richardson, Jill. 2012. "Bogus Economic Arguments Used to Trash Local Food." AlterNet.org (July 5).
Response by Young, Hip and Conservative. "How not to Defend Local Food." (July 8, 2012)

Stecker, Tiffany. 2012. "Praising a '10,000-mile diet,' author blasts local food movements." E&E Publishing, LLC (July 5).

Norcross, Eileen. 2012. "Is the Localvore Movement a Folly?" Neighborhood Effects, Mercatus Center at George Mason University (July 3).

Parlato, Ron. 2012. "Do Locavores Really Make Any Sense At All?" Uncle Guido's Facts (July 3).

Badger, Emily. 2012. "Debating the Local Food Movement." The Atlantic Cities (July 3).

Koerth-Baker, Maggie. 2012. "Interesting interview about the downsides of local food." Boing Boing (July 2).

Cardone, Maurita. 2012. "Il dilemma del locavoro." L’Indro (2 Luglio).

Samson, Claudette. 2012. "À la défense de l'achat local." Le Soleil (21 juin 2012).

Moran, Laurence A. 2012. "The 10,000 Mile Diet." Sandwalk (June 14).

Nadler, Sheryl. 2012. "The 10,000-mile diet? Toronto professor and his wife's new book angers local food community." Shine On - Yahoo! Canada (June 13).

Wright, Kimberley. 2012. "Professor challenges the lure of local foods." University of Toronto Mississauga (June 12).

Chin, Joseph. 2012. "University of Toronto Mississauga profs slug it out in food fight." Mississauga.com (June 7).



The Max Bernier Show - Ep. 35 : Local Food is no Panacea with Pierre Desrochers (July 22, 2020).

Bridge City News. "Is Buying Local Products Better Overall? - Pierre Desrochers (Guest)." (November 8, 2019).

Center for Inquiry Canada. 2015. "CFIC Lecture: The Locavore's Dilemma." (May 21).

Green State TV
- "The idea that you can grow more food by reverting to local production is ludicrous." (August 18, 2014)
- "Food from a small, local farm isn't safer than conventionally grown food." (August 11, 2013)
- "Why Local Grown Food Makes Us Less Food Secure."
  (August 4, 2014)
- "What are the Environmental Drawbacks to Buying Local Produce?" (July 21, 2014)
- "Does Buying Local Produce Reduce My Carbon Footprint?"
  (July 14, 2014)
- "Doesn't buying local grow the local economy?"
  (July 7, 2014)
- "How can 'grow local' movements hurt a nation's economy?"
  (June 30, 2014)
- "Does buying local produce help grow the local economy?"
  (June 25, 2014)
- "Does 'growing local' lead to a smaller food supply?"
  (June 18, 2014)

"Food Myths: The Locavore's Dilemma." Stossel (Fox Business Network: May 29, 2014; Fox News Network: June 1, 2014).
(30 :27-34-27)

"Can We Feed the World" Big Ideas Live! (Fee.org) (May 19, 2014).

"Is Organic Food Healthier?" The Arena with Michael Coren (February 19, 2014).

"Greenhouse Emissions and Agricultural Production Systems." Huffington Post Live (February 17, 2014).

"Long Distance Trade and Food Security." Canadian Regional Science Association Virtual Conference (December 16, 2013).

"Manger 'local', ça veut dire quoi?" 360, TFO (October 23, 2013).

"Killer Quinoa." Huffington Post Live (July 11, 2013).

"En hipsters dilemma - Försvar för långväga mat." Presentation (in English) before the Timbro Institute (June 11, 2013).

"La souveraineté alimentaire contre le développement durable." Presentation made before the Réseau Liberté Québec (March 3, 2013).

"Is Buying Local Best?" The Source, Sun TV (March 27).

UT Mississauga - Food Fight, The Locavore's Dilemma (March 25, 2013).

"Entrevue avec Pierre Desrochers." Carte de visite, TFO (October 17, 2012).

"Produits locaux versus produits importés?" Le Téléjournal Ontario (September 28, 2012).

"Is buying local better?" Prime time, SunNews (September 6, 2012).

"The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet." Hit & Run : Reason.com (July 13, 2012).

"The Locavore's Dilemma." CTV News, Top National News Headlines (July 4, 2012).

"Locavore's Dilemma." Lang & O'Leary Exchange, CBC (June 29, 2012 - 29:38).

"The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet." CATO Institute (June 27, 2012).

"Is the 100-mile diet feasible?" CTV's National Affairs (June 25, 2012).

Prince Arthur - Entrevue avec Pierre Desrochers, The Locavore's Dilemma (12 juin 2012).

Pierre Desrochers on The Locavore’s Dilemma (Power Hour, Center for Industrial Progress, June 9, 2012).

Living like a 'locavore': Ezra Levant speaks to Pierre Desrochers, author of The Locavore's Dilemma about why the trend of local eating has faded (The Source, Sun TV, June 5, 2012).


"Local and Lazy." Counterpoint with Amanda Vanstone (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). (November 4, 2019).

"Consommation : doit-on uniquement consommer des produits ontariens?" Y'a pas deux matins pareils (October 26, 2016).

"Industrie alimentaire vs Local : L'opinion du professeur Pierre Desrochers." Grands Lacs café (November 8, 2014).

"The Locavore's Dilemma" Food Chain Radio (August 9, 2014).

"Pierre Desrochers & souveraineté alimentaire." EDDNP (July 12, 2013).

"Souveraineté alimentaire PQ: Un modèle voué à l'Échec. " Le show du matin (May 2013).

"Achat de produits locaux." Y a pas deux matins pareils, Radio-Canada (April 29, 2013).

"Produit 'localement'." Matins sans frontières, Radio-Canada (April 29, 2013).

"Pierre Desrochers de l'Université de Toronto sur son dernier livre The Locavore's dilemma écrit avec Hiroko Shimizu." Arrêt sur médias, December 3, 2012.

"The argument against locavorism." Marketplace, American Public Media (October 26, 2012).

"Acheter local ne réduit pas l'empreinte écologique." Duhaime le midi, Radio X (September 9, 2012).

"Investing in a Yarmouth Ferry, Arguments Against The 100-Mile Diet." Maritime Noon, CBC (September 7, 2012).

"The Locavore Dilemma-Interview." Larry Fedoruk, 610 CKTB Podcasts (August 30, 2012).

"The Locavore's Dilemma." Ontario Today, CBC Radio One (August 17, 2012).

"When Not To Buy Local." Jim Birchard's From Where I Sit, 97.7 The Beach (August 15, 2012).

"Interview with Pierre Desrochers - MP3 Player - Windows Media Player." Veronica Rueckert, WPR (August 10, 2012).

"Prix des denrées." Y a pas deux matins pareils, Radio-Canada (August 8, 2012).

"Questioning the merits of eating locally-produced food." Quebec AM, CBC Radio (July 31, 2012).

"Le dilemme locavore." Bien dans son assiette, SRC Radio (July 30, 2012).

"Tune Your Engine - buying local." Afternoons, Radio New Zealand (July 24, 2012).

"Le dilemme du mouvement locavore : un nouveau livre le conteste." Radio-Canada International (July 23, 2012).

"Eating locally not sustainable according to new book." Radio-Canada International (July 23, 2012).

"It's almost taken for granted that choosing locally grown produce is the right thing to do if you care about the environment, but do people buy it?" The Bridge, CBC radio (July 18, 2012).

"The Locavore Dilemma." Jeff Schechtman's "Specific Gravity" (July 16, 2012).

"L'achat local." Medium Large, Radio-Canada (July 16, 2012).

The Food and Farm Show with host Ray Bowman (July 13, 2012).

"Anti-Locavorism." Eye Opener, CBC Radio Calgary (July 12, 2012).

"In Defense Of A Global Food Supply System" Radio Boston (July 9, 2012).

"Locavorism is not good for you" Marketplace, American Public Media (July 4, 2012).

Jerry Agar Podcast (Tasha Kheiriddin hosting) NEWSTALK 1010 (June 29, 2012, starting at 31:40).

"Pierre Desrochers: Eat Global." TownHallSeattle.org (June 28, 2012).

"Are the Locavores Looney?" G. Gordon Liddy (June 27, 2012).

"Pierre Desrochers, Jim Hecker." Culture Shocks (June 25, 2012).

"The Locavore’s Dilemma" The Leonard Lopate Show - WNYC (June 25, 2012).

"Uncovering the myths of eating locally" Patt Morrison - 89.3 KPCC (June 25, 2012).

"The great locavore debate" Q, CBC (June 22, 2012).

"The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet." Focus (Illinois Public Media), June 19, 2012.

Charlie Brennan (CBS radio, St-Louis), June 12 2012.

KERA (National Public Radio - Dallas) Think, June 11, 2012, "In Praise of the 10,000 Diet."



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